Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Going back- When 3 became 4

Miles J arrived Sept 25th at 9:17pm, weighing 8lbs 6 oz 20.5" long
He is perfect!!

Saturday morning I started having irregular contractions about every 30 mins lasting maybe 15 seconds, but since I had past "false alarms" we just went about our day, took Liam to the science centre as we had planned.The contractions continued all day, about 10-15 mins apart, not really lasting longer than 20 seconds. I called my dad so he could come down and get Liam, and they left our house at about 5pm. Me and Jay went for a walk around the block to see if we could get things moving, Then I came home and took a shower to help with the back ache, and bounced on the yoga ball for a while. We put on a dvd (season 2 of the gilmore girls LOL) to just have something on to "watch" and contractions got a little more intense and a bit closer together. I had decided earlier on that I would call the midwives around 8pm to give them a head up, and see if they could suggest anything to help getting things moving. Well we ended up calling them at 7:30pm when contractions were about 4 mins apart and lasting 30-45 seconds, while I was in the tub- the jets were great on my back for the most part!When they arrived at 8:30 I was feeling like I wasn't going to be able to do it any longer, and the contractions were getting pretty close together. They checked me and I was 5cm and 70% effaced, and I was really feeling like if that's all, there was NOWAY i was going to make it without pain meds (which would mean I would have to go to the hospital) I breathed through some more contractions and made my way up to the bedroom, and they checked me again at 9pm- and I was 8cm and 80% effaced. I stood up and leaned in Jay during the next few contractions- and kept saying "i can't do it" but the room full of people (Jay, my mom and 2 Midwives) kept telling me I was doing great. at 9:10 my water EXPLODED as I was leaning on Jay(his reaction was to ask my mum to get him some new socks LOL)(it felt like a water balloon swelling and then it exploded all over the floor and Jay's feet) i got onto the bed and the urge to push was so overwhelming, I swear I did hardly any of the work.He was born at 9:17pm- the backup midwife arrived at 9:19pm she just missed it!i had a second degree tear, pretty much in the same place as the episotomy i had with Liam, but i feel much better this time around, still sore but not nearly as bad.nursing is going ok so far, still working on it,He is gorgeous. It was so awesome being able to just get into my own bed afterwards and not have to go anywhere, i couldnt have asked for a better birth.

Liam came down to meet his baby brother around 3pm the next day, and I was so pleasantly surprised at how enamoured he was with him. He was rubbing his head and being very gently (with only a little bit of reminding) Miles needed a diaper change, and ended up peeing into the air (as little boys do LOL) and Liam went and got his potty! Liam went back to granda's for the night, and will be home tomorrow morning, so we can get started on our life as a family of 4.

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